January’s Glossy Box

For Christmas this year I asked my mum to sign me up for a yearly subscription of Glossy Box instead of buying me a physical gift to open on Christmas Morning and we may be only 1 month in but I definitely don’t regret the decision. I’ve spent the whole of January trying out the products to see what’s worth spending your dolla on and what’s not..

January’s Box consisted of 5 products retailing for £144.98 a steal considering the Box only costs £10 a month.. Inside this months Box there were beauty supplements (a 1 month course), a primer, a facial oil, nail and cuticle oil and a cream blush.

I’d be lying if I told you I have been trying the supplements… at first I was a bit sceptical and unsure of what I wanted to be putting into my body but after doing my research I’ve decided to give them a go. I started them today so I’ll get back to you next month.. but basically it’s a 1 month supply of capsules! You take 2 a day and they claim to be packed with 19 different nutrients to help with healthy glowing skin by working to boost your own collagen production , fading lines and wrinkles and leaving your skin soft and glowing. Here’s hoping!!

The primer I am almost out of and the facial oil I have been using every day so I have some solid opinions on these 2, the primer is from Evelyn Iona Cosmetics and is vegan friendly!! Already major selling point, it contains avocado oil and green tea extract so it feels so soothing and refreshing on the skin, so great for first thing in the morning makes me feel so much more awake! Does it make my make-up last longer? Not really but it is definitely hydrating so not too mad at it. The facial oil is by far my firm favourite I have been using it every day and I can definitely see the difference my skin feels so much more hydrated, this is just a travel size in the box but full size it retails for £55 (ouch) am I prepared to part with that kind of money for it.. hmm we’ll see I’ll get back to you once this runs out! It’s so lightweight and smells so pretty, at first I was a bit worried about the scent on my sensitive skin but so far so good!

The nail and cuticle oil I’m neither here nor there on. My nails are in pretty good shape anyway but I have been using this when I remember.. its great for those horrible dry straggly bits around your nails perfect for all you nail biters out there. But really I could go without. It’s only £5.99 so wouldn’t hurt to give it a go if your interested. Last but not least the cream blush this is from the brand Apicia who I had never heard of.. relying heavily on google translate I have discovered it is a French family run brand who create products using all natural and organic products. This formula contains bee pollen which is prefect for hydrating the skin. I don’t usually like cream blush but this one is so natural giving you a small flush of colour and is lovely on my current fair (aka pasty) skin tone.

From this months Box the only product I feel like I would really invest my pennies in is the Dr Botanicals face oil but have enjoyed trying all the products none the less. Will be sure to get back to you on the supplements. Would love to know who else received a Glossy Box this month and your opinions on the products. Stay tuned for my 2018 Skin Care routine coming soon..

Jem xo

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